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The Pancake Tree Author Event

In November, 2015, the Arizona Polish Club hosted a small festive event for children and adults -- a celebration of The PancakeTree book. The book is a whimsical and educational children’s book about the mesquite tree, a tree that often can be found in our own yards, but is not always appreciated for its value. The Pancake Tree was created by three local Tucsonans and published by Word Studio -- an independent publishing company -- own and directed by Alicja Mann (APC member). 


One of the authors, Jacky Turchik, artfully read fragments of the book and talked about the importance of the mesquite tree to this area. The children also became engaged in making drawings and paper cuttings of trees. 


The culmination of the event arrived when all participants were served deliciously healthy pancakes made of ...mesquite flour! The cooking was performed by Pawel Musial (of APC) and Robert Ongley (of WS). After some guitar music played by Robert, the kids went home with big smiles and colorful balloons.  

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